"When I think of the future, I think, I'm thirty-six years old.
I'm just getting started...But as long as one is alive, one
can be vital. But you don't give up until you stop breathing."
I've been a big fan of Marilyn Monroe since I was in high school and wrote a research paper on her. At the time, I knew little about her, but by the time I finished my paper, I was enamored. The first Marilyn movie I saw was Some Like It Hot and to this day, it remains one of my favorite Old Hollywood movies. My other Marilyn favorites are The Seven Year Itch where she plays The Girl, the upstairs neighbor who Tom Ewell's character falls for while his wife and son are away for the summer, How To Marry A Millionaire, a comedy based around three women (Marilyn, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable) trying to land rich husbands, Niagara, a drama about jealous lovers, and Don't Bother To Knock, the first film where I believe Marilyn really got to showcase her acting abilities, playing a deranged babysitter trying to seduce a man.
The Seven Year Itch with Tom Ewell (1955)
As Sugar Cane Kowalcyzk in Some Like It Hot (1959)
The damsel in distress in Niagara (1953)
The ditzy but lovable blonde in How To Marry A
Millionaire (1953)
Alongside Richard Widmark in Don't Bother To Knock (1952)
I love to watch old movies, of course, but I enjoy learning about the actors even more. I love a good autobiography or biography written by someone who knew the star well. Marilyn lived such a sad life, full of tragedies and downfalls, though she was also blessed in many ways. She carried the sadness with her all her life.
I think Marilyn is terribly misunderstood by the general public. Behind the glamour and beauty was a real woman, down to earth, extremely kind and nurturing, someone who just wanted to be loved. Marilyn was intelligent and well-read with an affinity for literature. However, she was plagued by her inability to become a mother and by the lack of love in her personal life, and unfortunately, her grief far outweighed all the positives in her life in her eyes.
"When I was a little girl I would pretend I was Alice in Wonderland
looking into a mirror, wondering what I would see. Was that really me?
Who was that staring back at me? Could it be someone pretending to be me?
I would dance around, make faces, just to see if that little
girl in the mirror would do the same."
"You know, children when they become adults are still at heart children.
Sometimes I watch adult men. They act like little boys who have never
grown up. I suppose it depends on the mood you are in. Our emotions play
an important part in our lives. We cannot hide from them. My mother,
bless her, used to say, "Norma Jeane, make the most of it,
because that's all you've got."
I wish you peace, Norma Jeane. You are a truly beautiful soul.
June 1, 1926 - August 4, 1962
Until next time,

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